Fitness Blog

THE SPIRIT OF GIVING – 911 Corporate Video



MEGA MACE was given the task of creating a video for numerous people to watch at a holiday event. Instead of using one image and blowing it up – Mason and his crew decided on a three-panel set up allowing for more action as well as better picture quality on the final image.


In the post-9/11 months, big businesses were wary of any large displays or celebrations. This tasteful piece using 9/11 imagery in conjunction with the theme of giving was the perfect subtle mix of hope and mourning. Employees of SEI sent in their home videos and MEGA MACE editors created a video montage that brought both smiles and tears to the eyes of the viewers


The final piece was displayed using 3 projectors which were time-sunk together. The viewing image was 60 ft wide. Obviously it’s tough to mimic this in a web-sized video – but you’ll get the idea.

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